Wednesday, April 30, 2008
house renovations
Just recently I asked my husband (who is also a member of this blog, but shall remain nameless) to wipe the walls of the bathroom. He decided to get the higher parts by standing on top of the sink. Needless to say the porcelain cracked and now the new bathroom just feels like one more thing that needs to be fixed.
We had a good run, lavender shirt.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Whatcha Gonna Do?
Monday, April 28, 2008
Scandanavian Handblown Glass Birdfeeder

Dateline: just now, my workplace.
My job involves taking things, often fragile, expensive things, made with care by artisans who are using wind power right now, and putting those things in boxes. Then I ship the boxes through the mail. You can probably see what's coming here. It's best that I'm not a surgeon.
I made gross miscalculation about slipping one of these off of a hanging display, and now it is in tiny artisanal shards.
Friday, April 25, 2008

Some people might argue that it's not really nice, but since I think the whole car thing is a big luxury I'm going to go with ALL cars being nice for the moment. Plus it was the first car I bought with my own money.
I was on the overnight shift, coming home through SE DC trying to get on 295N. There's that one little ramp where you have no merge lane. I was screaming along to the music to keep myself awake and looking over my shoulder hoping I wouldn't plow into someone sideways when the guy in front of me stopped. I plowed into him instead. The airbag burned my thumb, my radio (which was on the seat, by the way - it was an old boom box - no nice radios for me) lost its antenna, the car was totaled.
Within weeks, I had a newer Ford Aspire - a 1996 model! Same color and everything. I was psyched to find one, plopped my boom box in the passenger seat, and rolled along. ... for 6 months until on the way home from the club some guy and I decided to enter the same intersection at the same time. Ford Aspire #2 - totaled. And then I had PTSD and was seeing random cars coming at me where there weren't any.
After that, against the advice of most everyone, I purchased a 1997 Aspire. That one got broken into and I managed to keep it (sort of) in a condition where someone would purchase it. Now I have a "new" car. I pray to the auto gods daily, and it's generally covered in bird poop from the tree I park under that I can't be bothered to clean off.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Carcassonne anxiety
- B: What are you doing with that?
Me(E): I'm, um, taking it to work to play at lunch.
B: Do you have to?
E: I promise I won't lose or destroy it!
B: Do you promise?
E: I promise!
- B: Did you bring the game home?
E: I did.
B: Did you lose any guys?
E: No.
B: Or like the builders or the pigs?
E: No. All accounted for.
B: Or the tiles?
E: Well, I didn't count them, but I'm pretty sure....
- B: Where is the scoreboard?
E: Remember how I took it to work and -
B: And you left it there?
E: Babe. No. I just had it in a separate plastic bag to protect it, and it's right here.
B: Please do not take it to work anymore. Please.
E: Ohmigod, fine!!
Does my dearest one seem overly concerned about the sanctity of Carcassonne? Reader, do not judge her until you have lived with me for even one day. And I have washed your darks with an entire packet of kleenex, rolled chairs on top of your delicate musical-equipment-related cords, and left your CDs lying uncased and vulnerable all around the house.
It's pretty startling when you think about it. She must work for hours to accomplish such thorough destruction, because she can only carry one piece at a time! And while she's doing it she makes these weird meow-grunts with every step: mra, mra, mra, mra, mra. We know this because she has the nerve to do it even when we're home.
Anyway, Sonny's favorite articles are underwear. So, my underwear pretty much always has teeth and claw marks in it.
And also, there's always a tense moment when we bring guests back to the house after being out or whatever and we have to do a quick scan to see if Sonny has deposited any bras on the kitchen table.
she rarely learns from her mistakes
Further Breaking an Already Broken Item
I fear that it is the beginning of the end for the thrift store kitchen stools with the tearing upholstery. A key screw came loose in the one I always leap onto. Then another screw came out, and now the legs wobble. Soon, it will collapse in a heap. I know this, now anyway. The next time I go to leap onto the kitchen stool, I will NOT know this.
Dress shoes
Either way, I now only buy one pair of nice shoes at any given time. I have been wearing this pair of black Dr. Martens for seriously two years now. Average day at work? I'm wearing the Docs. Brand new suit for an important meeting on Capitol Hill? The Docs. Going to a wedding? Docs. Day of fun in the sun at Ocean City? No shirt, swim trunks AND THE MOTHERFUCKIN' DOCS.
But seriously, it is kind of annoying. I just don't pay enough attention to the hazards of daily life when I have shoes (or anything really) that I want to keep nice!
* So satisfying when that spins a rolling bag out of control.
I need Teflon clothes.
One reason I can’t have nice things is because I have an avoidant personality. As soon as something goes even the tiniest bit wrong, it is dead to me. So a cashmere sweater gets a drop of maple syrup on it, and rather than taking it to the cleaner or washing it with Woolite on the gentle cycle within the week, I shove it into the back of my drawer. Four months later, I spy it and say, “Hey, how did this get back here?” and pull it out to find it full of moth holes. Toward the end of the evening on my mom and stepdad’s wedding day, I spilled a little bit of wine on my silk dress. I put it in the closet that night and half-vowed to take care of it the next day. That was October 2, 2005, and I still haven’t even looked at the dress despite the fact that I open my closet 20 times per week.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
The first and main evidence comes in the form of an engagement ring. On the heels of cheating on my boyfriend with a girl he was actually in love with at something called a plastic party, I got immediately engaged to said boyfriend, at which point he went right out and purchased what I considered at the time a Really Expensive Ring. It had a platinum band and one single, simple emerald-cut diamond. Back then I was way more into the idea of pretending I was stable than I was into righteous indignation about where diamonds come from.
Anyways I had not had this thing a month before I was putting together a new desk - one of those massive, black and light-wood-laminate monstrosities that was so popular in 1999. I was lowering one giant, heavy piece of fiberboard onto another giant, heavy piece of fiberboard and managed to crush this ring into a shape not meant for fingers. Platinum is hard and brittle, guys. We had to blah blah get it repaired and endure the whispered mockings of everyone who could tell that this was a portent about our relationship (which was everyone who had ever met us) and ultimately I gave it back under stormy circumstances, but that was a big clue right there that I can't have nice things. If that had been the time of abundant cheap digital cameras, I am sure I would have photographic evidence.
I do have photographic evidence of the ring I superglued to my hand last year, though. It was my current beau's dead grandmother's ring, and now it's enclosed in white crustiness.
Poor decisions around treadmill use
So the little weights have their own resting spots on the treadmill, and then there are 2 cupholders. I usually place the water in one and the ipod and remote in the other. I don't have an armband or anything and I don't really want to stick the Ipod in my bra, so I just have to deal with the headphones running from my head to the cupholder.
Now what makes this evidence of how I cannot have nice things is that I know that that state of affairs is a disaster waiting to happen. I know. And I still do it. And this is how it goes:
I get on treadmill. Start Ipod, swig some water, turn on tv, grab weights, select my preferred program, and get to power walking.
Immediately, while still in the warmup phase of the program, I get my enthusiastically powering elbow caught in the headphones and yank my ipod out of the cupholder; it hits the treadmill violently and slides back to the floor. "Fucker," I say.
Now having no Ipod for motivation, and with the program getting hard, I need to channel surf even more insanely and, attempting to juggle remote and weights, I drop remote, which hits treadmill, sliding back as well as busting open. "Great, now I have to watch Throwdown With Bobby Flay? This is bullshit!" I say.
During a lull I attempt to swig water while still holding the weights and drop the water bottle, which hits the treadmill and slides back. "Goddammit," I say.
With my morale completely shot and ten minutes to go I give up on weights, and, attempting to return them to their little slots mid-tread, I drop at least one on my feet: which is good in the long term because they could damage the treadmill, but come ON. "Come ON," I say.
The wretched Throwdown and my program end, and I retrieve my poor ipod and remote out from under the treadmill, where they lay among numerous dead spiders and camel crickets. I am sad. Yay exercise!
Anyway, ipods are like the center of all my woes about the nice things I cannot and should not have, alright? They are so expensive yet so small, fragile, and frequently used! They're shame waiting to happen.
Judging by the previous posts on this day old blog the inability to properly drink from glasses may be a national epidemic.
(I ended up selling the car to my parents and got a cute new car!)
cubicle mudwrestling
First I knocked the carafe off the filing cabinet and broke it. I discovered that the even tinier glass carafe from my $8 thrift-store espresso maker (that I never use) would fit if it was lined up perfectly, so I brought that to work. It has to be lodged in exactly right or coffee goes everywhere. It makes one mug of coffee, and it is impossible (for me) to pour from it without dribbling coffee down the side, so I always hold it over the wastebasket.
Then I managed to dislodge the plastic swiveling thing that holds the filter. It popped out of place and flung a limp filter full of wet coffee grounds across the carpet.
I'm pretty sure they have vacuumed, but the carpet beside my cubicle still has big dark spots on it. (I am in the corner. There is no-one else who can plausibly be blamed.)
Yes, I could get a lovely new coffeemaker for $30 at the Bloodbath&Beyond that is 2 blocks away. But parts of this one still sort of work!
that plastic recorder from 4th grade
stupid grocery store
Shoulder Strap on My Laptop Bag
Every T-shirt I Have Ever Owned
Nothing is more deflating if you're a morning person than spilling coffee on yourself.
Bathroom toilet
Two years ago, I took two days off from work to help renovate our bathroom. This meant totally gutting the thing and putting down new floors, walls, tiles, and all new fixtures.
Very late on the second day, my husband, who is germ-phobic to the max, was losing his mind trying to install a toilet. First he freaked out over the idea of a huge open hole where gravity seemed to do the work at removing sewage. Then he was agitated by the removal and re-application of the infamous "wax ring" that toilets rest on. Determined to get everything level and sealed -- because that poo might escape! -- he spent a very long time tightening the bolts that held the tank to the bowl.
And CRACKED the damn bowl.
We've left it as is, and it's a bit wobbly, but functional. But I'll be damned if I go through the agony of putting in a new one. Not with him.
It's Not My Fault
I don't usually break or lose things myself, but am often the victim of having things broken or lost for me.
Bathroom Vanity Top
Our sink now has what I would call a hairline fracture from front to back. Sad because the recently renovated bathroom was one of our proudest areas in the house.
Driver's License; Awesome Gold Wallet
That wallet was killer, too. It was gold with hearts and also contained a Ross gift card with such a high dollar amount I can't bear to speak of it. I CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS.