Tuesday, April 22, 2008

stupid grocery store

I would have nice things, if I would stop spending my money on stupid stuff. I will spend one hundred dollars at the grocery store because it would be 'neat' to see what pomegranates taste like, and because I think I'll make banana pudding and home made lasagna and eat lots of yogurt because that's a healthy thing to take to work to eat. Then I will be annoyed with everything in my refrigerator and eat out all week. Then I will throw away the moldy pomegranates and never make the pudding, and the lasagna noodles will sit in the cupboard for years til I can't stand looking at them any more. And I will still be pudgy, and still not have the money for something like a flat screen tv, or landscaping, or lipo. ha.


Emily said...

I approve of this as an aspect of not being able to have nice things. I DESPISE when I leave delicious food rotting in the fridge. Despise.

Heather said...

I can relate to this very much. It's a sad feeling.