Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Bathroom toilet

While we're on the subject of bathroom renovations --
Two years ago, I took two days off from work to help renovate our bathroom. This meant totally gutting the thing and putting down new floors, walls, tiles, and all new fixtures.
Very late on the second day, my husband, who is germ-phobic to the max, was losing his mind trying to install a toilet. First he freaked out over the idea of a huge open hole where gravity seemed to do the work at removing sewage. Then he was agitated by the removal and re-application of the infamous "wax ring" that toilets rest on. Determined to get everything level and sealed -- because that poo might escape! -- he spent a very long time tightening the bolts that held the tank to the bowl.
And CRACKED the damn bowl.
We've left it as is, and it's a bit wobbly, but functional. But I'll be damned if I go through the agony of putting in a new one. Not with him.


Emily said...

Wow, "I can't have a nice toilet" is really setting the bar low. I tip my hat to you sir.

Frenz said...

The lid of the toilet seat in a bathroom I share with a roomate is sitting next to the toilet, because I like to sit on the sink counter to pluck my eyebrows or stare at my pores, and if put too much pressure on the toilet seat lid with my feet on the way back down, it just pops right off. It pops back on everntually, but it's happened a couple times now, and I think it's better to just let it be.

Andy said...

Wobbly toilets are seriously the story of my life. Every house I've ever lived in!

Heather said...

I am filled with anxiety knowing that your husband is in my germ-filled house every day, almost certainly judging its germiness. I swear, I do clean it sometimes.