Tuesday, April 22, 2008

cubicle mudwrestling

I have this tiny coffeemaker that mr.darkness' ex-housemate left behind. It made about 2 mugs' worth of coffee. I brought it to work, to begin my exciting project of getting brown drippy stains on all paperwork.

First I knocked the carafe off the filing cabinet and broke it. I discovered that the even tinier glass carafe from my $8 thrift-store espresso maker (that I never use) would fit if it was lined up perfectly, so I brought that to work. It has to be lodged in exactly right or coffee goes everywhere. It makes one mug of coffee, and it is impossible (for me) to pour from it without dribbling coffee down the side, so I always hold it over the wastebasket.

Then I managed to dislodge the plastic swiveling thing that holds the filter. It popped out of place and flung a limp filter full of wet coffee grounds across the carpet.

I'm pretty sure they have vacuumed, but the carpet beside my cubicle still has big dark spots on it. (I am in the corner. There is no-one else who can plausibly be blamed.)

Yes, I could get a lovely new coffeemaker for $30 at the Bloodbath&Beyond that is 2 blocks away. But parts of this one still sort of work!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Ah yes. The "using clearly unsuited shit to jerryrig your broken shit" aspect of the disorder.