Wednesday, April 30, 2008

house renovations

Since we have a house that is like 100 years old, we have put some effort into making it nicer. For example, about two years ago we remodeled the entire bathroom. This renovation included a new sink/vanity thing.

Just recently I asked my husband (who is also a member of this blog, but shall remain nameless) to wipe the walls of the bathroom. He decided to get the higher parts by standing on top of the sink. Needless to say the porcelain cracked and now the new bathroom just feels like one more thing that needs to be fixed.


Anonymous said...

Great post!

Renovations said...

Don’t get too attracted to some high-end finish without seeing the benefits of lower-priced and perfectly suited alternatives in your bathroom Renovation. You can come up of ways to cut costs without cutting corners so brainstorm with your family, contractor, architect and spouse. Keeping an open mind is the key to creativity.

renovations said...

The only way to get a superlative house “fit” is to style or design it specifically for you. A lot of people deal with the process of custom home Renovation. For some it’s both challenging and enjoyable while for others, it becomes a nightmare leaving them short on cash and long on anxiety. You need someone to understand the process and who move through, with little stress as possible.